Monday, August 29, 2011

what makes a good dad

for those of you that know me, you know that i tweet about "dads" all the time. there is nothing better than a hott dad. no, im not talking about dads like danny tanner or bill cosby, im talking dads that roam campus  in outfits you could wear on easter, hair cuts with a purpose, some dads might not even be in college but  in order to be a dad they have to have a job. these dads dont always have to be greek and not all greeks are dads. there are a FEW athlete dads, assistant coaches are always dads and dads that are younger than 40 with a wedding band and young kids are obviously dads. on rare occasions, you can have a single man who is just holding a baby and he automatically becomes a dad.

characteristics of some dads:
pull overs
cole haan loafers
justin or ariat boots
classic levi jeans, light wash; sometimes wranglers
most dads are oblivious to the fact that they already are dads, unless they actually are dads
80% of dads dont have girlfriends yet
a guaranteed dad is one that drives a tahoe or truck
raybans over costas
backwards hats may or may not be a dad quality, depends on the outfit and the time of day and if it is football season
some actual fathers may not qualify to be a dad
all friends hot dads are dads
96% of dads keep their tabs open at the bar
if youre confused about deciding if a dad is in fact a dad or not, wait until he smiles, if he has dimples, hes a dad
dads like to hunt, every dad should own one gun

now, i understand this may be confusing for some of you so let me give you a visual...

These are DADS!!!!
classic dads
football dad
frat dads
actual dad and son
celebrity dad
single guy plays with nephew= dad
dad and sons


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